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USD 97.48 0% EUR 100.718 0% CNY 13.376 0% BTC in USD 97376.571 0% WHEAT in USD 214.1 0.28% CORN in USD 218.3 -0.5% BARLEY in USD 182.6 -1.15%
97.48 100.718 13.376 97376.571 214.1 218.3 182.6

New grain carriers

February 13, 2023 TransLogistika LLC and RM Rail Trading House LLC signed a contract for the supply of 10 grain carriers model 19-1274-01.

Thanks to the operational work of our partners, 24.03.2023. the wagons were accepted by us at the station Ruzaevka and they are ready to transport the goods of our customers.

Hopper wagon for transportation of bulk cargo

Carrying capacity, t 71
Weight, min/max, t 22-23
Volume, cubic m 107
Maximum calculated static load from the wheelset on the rails, t 23,5
The length of the car along the axes of coupling of automatic couplers, mm 14220
Wagon base, mm 10000
Height from railhead level, mm 4920
Width, mm 3250
Number of loading hatches, pieces 4
Number of unloading hatches, pieces 6
Unloading hatch drive lever-screw with leaning covers
Dimensions according to GOST 9238 1-Т
Service life, years 30

The car is designed for bulk transportation of grain and other food powder and granular materials.

It has an internal protective coating of the body, acceptable for contact with food.