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Arrival of new grain carriers

We are glad to announce that on October 31, 2022, our company received the grain carriers in the amount of 70 units!

Hopper car model 19-9567 is designed for transportation of grain and other bulk food products (raw sugar, meal, mixed fodder, bran, beet pulp, etc.) that require protection from atmospheric precipitation along 1520 mm gauge main railways. The car is made in climatic modification “UHL” category 1 in accordance with GOST 15150-69 ensuring operational reliability in the air temperature range from minus 60 to plus 50°C.

Designed on a typical wagon bogie with an axle load of 23.5 tf, the grain carrier inherited the best qualities of the hopper model 19-9950:

– the size and location of the loading hatches, their height from the level of the rail head allows loading grain at any bunker loading devices and terminals

– manual control of the hatch opening mechanism guarantees unloading at sites not equipped with a pneumatic system

– unloading hatches are equipped with lean-to type covers that provide reliable closing and ease of operation

– the presence of vibrators on all unloading hatches ensures the completeness of spillage of cargo on any front of unloading

– the angles of inclination to the horizon of the end walls are 40 degrees, the walls of the bunkers – 50 degrees, which contributes to the spilling of all cargo from the car without residue

– there are special devices in the design of the car that prevent the creation of a vacuum and deformation of the body during unloading

– wagon bogies, brake and automatic coupling equipment include widely used assemblies and parts with high performance characteristics

– loading and unloading hatches are made by the method of welded construction, which allows, in case of damage, to make repairs at any unloading and loading points

– the presence of a separate braking system meets the requirements for modern models of freight rolling stock and provides increased safety of the car

The new grain hopper model 19-9567 has become more capacious and carrying capacity compared to its predecessor: the body volume has been increased by 13 m3 (up to 118 m³), ​​the load capacity has increased by 1.5 (up to 71.5 tons).

At the same time, the plant managed to maintain the height of the model and strength characteristics. Moreover, the absence of expensive special metal-roll profiles allowed us to maintain the optimal price-quality ratio for the consumer.