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88.465 92.574 12.2 95324.859 214.1 218.3 182.6

How most effective to transport grain?

Rail transportation is a simple and cost-effective way to transport a large number of goods. The presence of a specialized rolling stock allows you to choose rolling stock for transporting cargo of any nature.

For transporting grain, rail is most often used. The relatively low cost of transportation allows grain traders to save large amounts of capital, as well as transport huge volumes of cargo.

For transportation of grain special cars are used – grain carriers. Such wagons provide maximum grain protection due to the following factors:

The wagon body is made of an alloy of steel and aluminum;
They have the most convenient design for loading and unloading grain;
The inner surface of the car is covered with special enamel, the contact of which with food products is not dangerous for consumers;
Grain carriers are protected from exposure to sunlight and moisture, which protects the cargo during its transportation.

The specialized innovative grain truck has a lifting capacity of 76 tons and increased to 120 m³. At special stations where elevators are located, grain loading / unloading most often occurs. Loading is carried out in bulk into cars through the top hatches of grain carriers. Grain is unloaded through the lower hatches. The presence of a developed railway network allows you to deliver grain at almost any distance to the places of storage, processing or export.

Transportation of grain by rail has its own characteristics. For transportation, you must have the appropriate certificates that confirm the quality of grain. A document is issued by specialized laboratories. It is also forbidden to transport grain in wagons that are not suitable for this. If the load is wet or heats up to temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius, the process of decomposition and rotting of the grain will begin. After that, it ceases to be suitable for processing into flour and is used only as animal feed.

It is possible to organize grain transportation by rail independently, but it is better to contact specialists. You can learn more about railway transport by contacting TransLogistics. First of all, they will help you to make the most efficient route so that at all stations there is the necessary equipment for grain transshipment.

Having decided on the route, you need to order the right number of grain carriers that will arrive for loading. Previously, the consignor accumulates in warehouses (elevators) the volume of grain necessary for shipment and loads it into the wagons. After arriving at the final station, the grain is reloaded onto cars, ferries or ships and sent to the next destination.